Tag Archives: ICHIM

Museum Wearable, um guia de museu em Realidade Aumentada

Ta Matete, Paul Gauguin, Kunstmuseum, Bâle.

Ta Matete, Paul Gauguin, Kunstmuseum, Bâle.

“The Museum Wearable is a portable audio-visual augmented reality device that delivers to the visitor a dynamic and reconfigurable audio-visual documentary of an exhibition based on his progress in the museum space. As the wearer observes a work of art he will also see, through the “private-eye” display, a virtual projection on the wall of the museum of an audiovisual résumé that explains and illustrates what he’s looking at. The Museum Wearable relies on custom designed “location bulbs” to determinate the visitor’s location in the exhibition space. Thus, he doesn’t have to press any button to start the animation, nor deal with any other similar interface.” ICHIM 2005, Paris.

Museum Wearable é um projecto de Flavia Sparacino, designer de espaços e experiências interactivas que actua como curadora e conselheira tecnológica em diversos museus europeus e norte-americanos. Lidera a Sensing Places uma empresa de artes digitais e interactivas – spinoff do MIT – que desenvolve espaços narrativos interactivos.